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MarkaBai chuang

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İki kanallı ultrasəs flowmeter
Məhsul Təsviri
Window introduction:
The characteristic of the ultrasonic heat meter is that it uses all window operations and adopts a group display method. Different window displays can be selected using the window M9501.

The main groups of windows are: flow display, sensor settings, communication settings, output settings, clear flow, 4~20mA calibration, etc.

The descriptions of each group are as follows:

1. Flow display: used to display the window to display instantaneous flow, positive cumulative flow, negative cumulative flow, net cumulative flow, instantaneous flow rate, date and time, current output, etc.
2. Manufacturer personnel_31: Set the sensor type, pipe outer diameter, pipe wall thickness, fluid type, probe type, probe installation method and other parameters, display the installation distance, etc. You can set all parameters of the heat meter.

There are also some window groups related to hardware debugging operations, which are only used for manufacturer debugging. For detailed instructions, please see the "How to use" and "Window details" chapters. If you still find it difficult to operate, please imitate the steps in the next section to enter pipeline parameters.

Şirkətimizin əsas məhsullarına elektromaqnit axını, ultromagik soyuq və ya istilik axması, açıq kanal axını, elektromaqnit soyuq və ya istilik axını daxildir.

Two Channel Ultrasonic FlowmeterTwo Channel Ultrasonic FlowmeterTwo Channel Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Two Channel Ultrasonic FlowmeterTwo Channel Ultrasonic FlowmeterTwo Channel Ultrasonic FlowmeterTwo Channel Ultrasonic Flowmeter

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